Bahamas: C6AMM in 12 metri

Le Bahamas, luoghi che evocano vacanze…

E’ proprio lì in vacanza  William che mi ha permesso di fare questo new-one di banda in 24 Mhz, oggi pomeriggio. Ecco cosa leggiamo su

Thank you for working me on vacation in the Bahamas!

My new location,, starting 2013,  is Spanish Wells (also NA-001), a fishing settlement which, like Harbour Island, is just off the northern tip of Eleuthera.  I generally stay for two weeks, occasionally three.  Please QSL direct to my home call (K1CN).

My XYL Laurel (K1CLN) and I live on Cape Cod.  Laurel is a nurse and I am a surgical pathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.